CompKiller review + Suggestions


Aug 26, 2024
So First before I get into the review I would like to say Mars is a solo developer(I think) and what he's done is great. Also the latest updates have been looking promising so
I hope CompKiller Improves even more from here.

Alright now the review:
Ragebot 5.5/10
The Ragebot is Pretty good can easily beat Aimware, plague, prim and some others aswell. It struggles against some other cheats such as neverlose, gamesense, fatality and the ragebot has some problems. One problem many people have experienced is the Aimbot missing an excessive amount and shooting at the floor instead of at the enemy. I've experienced this and I've also had some problems with the min dmg not respecting the values it's set to. Overall it's alright but needs some more features such as: backtrack/history, min dmg override(seperate for each weapon), add rapid fire back, improve auto stop, just fix some more latency and dumping issues.

Anti Aim 7/10
Anti aim is good, it has alot of customizability and works well. i also think that mars added manual aa wich is great. I would like some more customizability to it but I like where it's going. Just some inprovements and issues need to be fixed such as the dumping where it's looking insteadd of the enemy.
Legitbot 9/10
The Legitbot is great I wouldn't change anything. Great silent aim, rcs and aimbot. I can't really say much about this. It's great keep it up.

Visuals 7.5/10
Esp is Great wouldn't change anything and the chams work perfectly. With the chams I would add some more textures to appeal to more people but overall I've had 0 issues with chams or esp. They did recently fix an issue with esp wich is great. I would REALLY and i mean REALLY like to see bullet tracers in compkiller and im sure many others want that too.

Misc 10/10
Theres nothing much to say except for it has everything it needs. This would also be a good time to mention the customizability is also great as keybinds can be easily set with a right click and customizability is clear about everything.

General 5/10
It has some features but adding some more exploits would help the rage out alot. The ragebot suffers alot without alot of features such as air strafe. Alot of other cheats such as neverlose and fatality are working on exploits like millisecond defuse. Overall just missing a few things but it's not bad. Pretty mediocre.

Overall 7.3/10
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